Injections for a patient with alopecia areata in Beverly Hills

Alopecia Areata: Natural Hair Regrowth Solutions

Alopecia areata often causes sudden hair loss. It can feel frustrating, upsetting, and embarrassing when you’re suddenly faced with bald spots.

At Lasky Skin Center, the premier team of aesthetic medicine specialists in Beverly Hills, CA, understands the challenges this autoimmune condition can cause. They also know that natural hair regrowth solutions can effectively jump-start hair regrowth. Natural solutions don’t require surgery or downtime. They arm your body with extra tools to regrow your hair without disrupting your life.

How Natural Hair Regrowth Works

Natural hair regrowth for alopecia areata involves using your body’s innate healing powers. Your blood contains platelets that play a big role in healing and recovery.

Those platelets are packed with growth factors, natural substances that help regulate many physiological processes. For instance, growth factors can trigger cellular growth and promote improved circulation, which is crucial for hair regrowth.

While you have some natural growth factors in your body, you need a large amount of them in a specific area to trigger hair regrowth in bald spots caused by alopecia areata.

The team uses a small amount of your own blood to isolate and concentrate your growth factors. Injecting that platelet-packed solution directly into your dormant hair follicles can have remarkable results.

What to Expect from Natural Hair Regrowth

Targeting the hair follicles that alopecia areata has rendered inactive wakes them up again. Your hair follicles get the blood flow (including nutrients and oxygen) they need to start growing again, and your growth factors help you make new follicles, too.

Over time, this can lead to thicker, stronger, and healthier hair. Those round patches can grow back gradually until they blend with the rest of your hair.

Why is the Natural Approach Best for Hair Regrowth?

Many traditional treatments for alopecia areata, such as topical creams, may fail to deliver results. Hair transplants require complicated surgery and downtime.

Natural hair regrowth is virtually painless and requires only about an hour per session in our Beverly Hills office. Overall, natural hair regrowth treatment is a safer, more sustainable solution that promotes long-term hair health without harsh chemicals or invasive procedures.

Case reports and literature reviews from the National Library of Medicine agree that this injectable treatment can offer impressive results for people with alopecia areata – without pain and downtime.

Natural Hair Regrowth in Beverly Hills, CA

If you’re ready to explore natural alopecia areata treatments in Beverly Hills, we’re here to help. Call 310-556-0119 or reach out online to schedule a consultation at Lasky Skin Center today.

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