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What To Expect From Kybella Injections

As the only FDA-approved injectable treatment for removing stubborn fat cells in the area below the chin, Kybella has been well tested and is proven effective. Kybella uses deoxycholic acid, a molecule naturally found in your body, to break down and destroy fat cells in the area below your chin. Deoxycholic acid helps to reduce the appearance of the extra fullness below the chin-line, called submental fullness.

Treatments of Kybella are quick and effective, and results can be seen in just 2 weeks after the first treatment session. Once you and your doctor determine that Kybella is right for you, a treatment plan will be developed.

Depending how much fullness you have under your chin and how much you want to get rid of will determine if you need between 1 and 6 treatments. During clinical trials of Kybella, only 59% of patients required the full 6 treatment sessions.

Your treatment sessions will take place in the office and will take place at least 1 month apart. During each session, your doctor will make multiple small injections in specific areas under your chin. The profile and the aesthetic goal you want to achieve will determine the placement and number of injections your doctor will administer.

While there’s no recovery time or program needed, there will likely be some initial swelling and potential bruising around the injection site. These should subside within a few days and using a cold compress or anti-inflammatories can help alleviate some of the effects.

The treatment destroys the cells in your chin-line that store fat. Since these cells are destroyed by Kybella, your body will no longer store fat below the chin-line. With a proper diet and healthy lifestyle, the results from the treatments can be permanent.

If you want to hear more about Kybella or discuss your aesthetic goals, contact our team at Lasky Skin Center in Beverly Hills, CA, at 310-556-0119, or visit www.laskyskincenter.com to schedule a consultation, today. Our team will work with you to develop a treatment plan to achieve your aesthetic goals.

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